Antimicrobial Mode of Action for Canine Ear Ointment
Antimicrobial Mode of Action for Canine Ear Ointment
Otitis externa refers to an inflammation of the dog's outer ear, which is commonly caused by bacterial or yeast infection. This illustration was created to demonstrate the mode of action for a veterinary company’s new ointment.
Canine Bladder Stones
Canine Bladder Stones
Bladder stones in dogs (urinary calculi) cause the condition urolithiasis. Stones may form anywhere in the entire urinary tract, including the bladder, ureters and kidneys.
Tick Feeding Cycle
Tick Feeding Cycle
Ticks can transmit pathogens that cause disease through the process of feeding on a host animal.
Feline Olfactory System
Feline Olfactory System
This is a still from a recent animation project on the feline olfactory system and appetite.
Frill Neck Lizard
Frill Neck Lizard
Chlamydosaurus has a frill of folded skin that normally lies around the back of the head that is erected when the lizard is threatened. These bipedal lizards can run very quickly and sometimes appear to be walking on water.