Balloon Tamponade Device

Balloon Tamponade Device

Postpartum hemorrhage is consistently one of the top three causes of maternal mortality and is often the leading cause of maternal death; even in developed countries. This balloon tamponade device creates pressure on the uterine wall to help stop bleeding.
Kiwi Vacuum Delivery System

Kiwi Vacuum Delivery System

This illustration was created for a medical device company to show proper placement of the low profile cup over the flexion point of the baby’s head.
Rectovaginal Fistula Repair with Biologic Plug

Rectovaginal Fistula Repair with Biologic Plug

This illustration demonstrates a rectovaginal fistula repair with a biological material plug. The procedure repairs a fistula or hole between the vagina and rectum. This illustration was created for a medical device manufacturer’s marketing and educational materials.
Female Pelvic Floor

Female Pelvic Floor

The pelvic floor is made of several muscle layers that form a bowl shape within the pelvis. This image illustrates a side view of the uterus, bladder, rectum and pelvic floor muscles.
Amniotic Membrane Perforator illustration

Amniotic Membrane Perforator

Amnion perforators are used to puncture the amniotic sac (amniotomy) during labor. This illustration was used for a medical device manufacturer’s marketing materials.
Cervical Ripening Balloon

Cervical Ripening Balloon

The cervical ripening balloon is used for mechanical dilation of the cervical canal prior to labor induction at term when the cervix is unfavorable for induction.
Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

ICSI involves injecting a single sperm directly into an egg in order to fertilize it. The fertilized egg (embryo) is then transferred to the woman’s uterus.